As you progress through life getting through what you need to do, you may find yourself too tired or unmotivated to make the time to reflect on whether you have intentionally created the life you want or if you are letting other factors or people to do so.

The workshops and support circles have been created to help you reflect, gain clarity and keep you focused. One of the benefits of working in groups is that it may give you another perspective, and you may find that there are others also looking to achieve the same goal. Regular attendance will keep you accountable and motivated to achieving your goals.


Kamalini and I have worked together as colleagues and as coach/coaching client. In both contexts Kamalini demonstrated intelligence, keen listening skills and a sense of calm but laser-like focus. She is highly organised and detail-orientated. Both as a colleague and coach, Kamalini is someone in whom I place a high level of trust and confidence. If you are someone who would like a coach who can communicate on your level, who is bright but helps YOU shine and for whom ethical conduct is paramount, Kamalini would be an excellent choice.

Leslie, Training consultant